HYCM for Beginners
The educational topics are more geared towards helping beginner traders, and cover topics such as Risk Management, Tips for Traders, Trading Tools, Strategies (both simple and advanced), and an excellent introduction to Capital Markets. A well-structured course for beginner traders is also available.
Trading Tools: HYCM’s Trading Tools are a selection of comprehensive and in-depth videos that cover topics such as ‘The World of Global Trading’, Trader’s Psychology’, Technical Analysis’, ‘Technical Analysis’, among others.
Tutorials: HYCM’s video tutorials help traders with getting set up on MetaTrader 5, about the various order types, and how to set indicators on graphs, among others.
Trading Strategies: HYCM provides a selection of ten videos that are geared towards both beginners and more experienced traders, helping them to develop effective trading strategies.
eBooks: HYCM offers four ebooks free of charge, covering topics such as Forex, Commodities and CFDs, Stocks, and an Advanced ebook for more experienced traders.
Beginner’s Course: The Beginner’s Course is a five-part video series covering the basics of Forex trading, trading strategies, and a trading glossary.
Webinars and seminars: HYCM hosts weekly webinars free of charge for all registered users. The webinars teach traders how to analyse various market movements. Traders will learn how to plan for and engage with market-moving events and important risk events ahead of time. Traders can also attend HYCM’s venue-based seminars and learn how to trade like a professional with various experts.
Overall, new traders should find more than enough material to get them started trading here, though more experienced traders may be disappointed by the lack of more advanced topics.